Saturday, September 21, 2013

 The guests of honor at the ribbon cutting ceremony of the clean water project at the village of Festelita.  From left to right is Lidia Jubea (the project engineer), a couple of Raioane officials, the Moldovan Minister of Environment, Doina Stepanenco (our translater), the vice-president of the local Raioane, and Sister and Elder Kneib
 A local villager presenting gifts of appreciation.  These gifts included a wreath of bread, a towel, matches and a candle, and a plaque.  A reporter is taking pictures.
 The line of gift recipients at the ribbon cutting ceremony at Festelita.  The mayor is at the far left and the engineer's son on the far right.
 An older lady from the village, who nodded her head "yes"  when Sister Kneib ask to take her picture.  She was sweet and Arlana wanted to hug her but just patted her on the shoulder instead.
She is one of the recipients of the clean water project for this village.
The others in the back ground are getting something to eat. 
 After all was done the villagers partook of the food and drink at the ceremony. 
Elder Kneib in the Mayor's office in Festelita signing papers relating to the water project.  Moldova society requires a lot of paper work!

 On 19 September, we took part in an open-air ribbon cutting ceremony in the village of Festelita.  A part of the program was the singing of these village ladies dressed in traditional fashion singing folk songs.  They were accompanied by an accordion player.  They were eager to have their pictures taken with us because of the chance to be seen in America!
We visited the old church described above on 19 September and heard its story from a resident of the village of Causeni.


  1. That Grammy lady does look very sweet, Mom!

  2. In acest ant, 2019, Excelenta Sa, Ambasadorul SUA in Republica Moldova a confirmat alocarea a altei transe de 380 mii $ pentru reparatia Bisericii cu Hramul ADORMIREA MAICII DOMNULUI din Causeni. Ca specialist principal in relatii publice la Primaria orasului am depus mult efort pentru a promova si a atrage investitii pentru restaurarea ei. Proiectul, scris de mine in colaborare cu Voluntara de la Corpul Pacii Laura, catre Fondul Ambasadorilor SUA, a fost un imbold a deschide finantarea din partea SUA. Slava DOMNULUI!

  3. In acest ant, 2019, Excelenta Sa, Ambasadorul SUA in Republica Moldova a confirmat alocarea a altei transe de 380 mii $ pentru reparatia Bisericii cu Hramul ADORMIREA MAICII DOMNULUI din Causeni. Ca specialist principal in relatii publice la Primaria orasului am depus mult efort pentru a promova si a atrage investitii pentru restaurarea ei. Proiectul, scris de mine in colaborare cu Voluntara de la Corpul Pacii Laura, catre Fondul Ambasadorilor SUA, a fost un imbold a deschide finantarea din partea SUA. Slava DOMNULUI!

  4. In acest ant, 2019, Excelenta Sa, Ambasadorul SUA in Republica Moldova a confirmat alocarea a altei transe de 380 mii $ pentru reparatia Bisericii cu Hramul ADORMIREA MAICII DOMNULUI din Causeni. Ca specialist principal in relatii publice la Primaria orasului am depus mult efort pentru a promova si a atrage investitii pentru restaurarea ei. Proiectul, scris de mine in colaborare cu Voluntara de la Corpul Pacii Laura, catre Fondul Ambasadorilor SUA, a fost un imbold a deschide finantarea din partea SUA. Slava DOMNULUI!
